Wonton telegram Airdrop: How It Works & Downsides

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Wonton telegram airdrop

Wonton is a telegram mini-app that allows users earn WTON token on an hourly basis by opening and restarting the miner. If you are one of the people who are enthusiastic about participating in newly launched crypto project, then you are on the right page.

In this article, we will be going over all there is to know about Wonton, how to get started or create an account and finally, some of the upsides or good aspects and also to know if there are negative aspects. So, just sit tight and enjoy the article while learning more about this latest crypto mining project.


WONTON as the name implies is a ton-based crypto mining application on telegram that provides users an opportunity to earn and accumulate the $WTON tokens otherwise known as WONTON points. If you are interested in the project and create an account, you will be able to mine the token every couple of hours by clicking on a button.

After the set number of hours (179 minutes to be precise) you return to the app and restart the miner to continue earning more WTON. Regular mining is the main way of earning and accumulating more of the upcoming token; the other ways include, referring and also playing the drop game.

Upon sign up, you will be shown a couple of features and tabs, which may be confusing to a newbie, so for that reason, I will be explaining what each tab means or the purpose it serves for you to better understand what you’ve signed up for.

Tabs on WONTON

Wonton tasks

  • Tasks – this is where you will find various social tasks which includes following them on social media platforms, boosting their telegram channel and also subscribing to certain pages and in turn you get rewarded with more points. It is important for you to complete these tasks as they can help you boost your WONTON balance faster.
  • Shop – this is where you can sell Wonton skins received from opening mystery boxes. When you refer people, you not only get rewarded with the token but also mystery boxes which can be used to win and accumulate various types of skin. The good part is, you can sell these skins for real money or more tokens on the shop.

Wonton referral program

  • Friends – this is the referral page, where you can copy your invite link and share to others for a chance to win extra 500 wonton as well as more mystery boxes. There are certain milestones you need to reach in referring to unlock mystery boxes, so the more you refer, the better your chances. Additionally, you earn 10% of the earnings of your referrals, which means it continues as long as possible.
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How to Get Started

To get started, it’s best to use a referral link because currently on telegram, there are two wonton bots, so in order not to mistakenly sign up on the wrong ones, it’s best to use someone’s referral link to directly gain access to the bot.

If you are finding out about Wonton from this article, then feel free to copy this url – https://t.me/WontonOrgBot/gameapp?startapp=referralCode=GXKODGDU and paste on a browser. It will take you directly to the bot and you will be shown the option to open the main dashboard. Tap on it to gain access to the main dashboard.

After which, you will be logged into the main dashboard where you will see the aforementioned tabs and options. On the homepage, you can start mining right away by tapping on the button.

Once you have started the mining, you are left with some options, either to go and start completing tasks or simply return to the mini-app after some hours to claim the token generated for you while offline.

Final Verdict

Wonton is a newly launched crypto project on telegram, so there is little or nothing that can be said about its legitimacy. Most of these projects either get better or worse as time goes on i.e. it becomes clear whether they mean business or simply there to milk ad revenue and waste users’ time.

It’s just too early to come to any conclusion or make any valid statements regarding the legitimacy or credibility of the project. But there are certain signs which I believe are mostly personal to me that makes the wonton project somewhat legit and we will go over some of them shortly

Wonton strengths

  • Built Under TON Blockchain – literally all telegram crypto projects are built on the blockchain and even new ones are getting launched on a daily basis still claiming to be under TON. Wonton appears to be credible, though there’s been no official word from the representatives at TON regarding their partnership, the projects appears to be truly under the network.
  • Simple and Unique – tap-to-earn model has almost been completely phased out. The fact that wonton went for a more unique route, makes me see the project in a positive light. Reason is, most projects that end up performing well tend to be unique and original when it comes to design and also the organisation. Wonton ticks the boxes in this regard and as such, there is no glaring reason to look at it negatively.
  • You can actually earn money in TON by selling skins on the shop. This is another interesting feature available on wonton that may not easily be found on other telegram mini-apps. The fact that, it’s possible to earn some money directly on the app, makes it very suitable, both for people seeking faster money and people in it for the long term.
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Drop game

  • The earnings from selling skins is paltry. It’s very insignificant and as such, there is no point getting your hopes up.
  • Mystery boxes never win lucrative skins, so it’s just there to make the game engaging without actually rewarding anybody with something tangible.
  • There is no information regarding the developers of the project and it looks like the token generation event may not be as soon as many may want it to be. It appears to be a long term project meant for those who actually know and understand what airdrop farming is all about.
  • Earning potential is lower for people who can’t refer. The mining is kind of slow and the drop game is unplayable. At least from my own experience, I wasn’t able to earn any thing reasonable from the drop game. So if you wish to earn and accumulate a lot of wonton, you may have to refer a couple of users.


Wonton is a telegram crypto mining project that allows users earn some tokens by clicking on a button daily. The project appears to be legit, though there are still some negative aspects that are worthy to be considered when trying to decide on whether or not to participate.

We’ve come to the end of this review. If you enjoyed the article, feel free to join our telegram channel and share the article to friends.

About Author

  • Eric Chidi, AKA ErickssonDGreat, is a seasoned writer who specializes in delivering unbiased reviews to readers. Eric’s content is informative, honest and free of any form of prejudice, join me as we navigate through the pros and cons of various online money making schemes to enable you make the right decision at all times.Ericksson Loves You! ❤️

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