Cats&Dogs Review: Legit Or Scam? Earn $FOOD Hourly

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Cats&dogs telegram mining

Cats&Dogs is a telegram crypto mini-app that allows users earn $FOOD tokens every 8 hours for free by opening the application. As we all know, this is an era of crypto mining projects especially on telegram, so most projects getting launched have slowly moved from the tap-to-earn model to something that takes on the shape of “mining”.

In this article, we will go over all there is to know about the cats&dogs telegram mining project, how it works, the ways of earning and finally, the ups and downs; if any. So without wasting more time, let’s dive straight into the purpose for which this article was made.

About Cats&Dogs Telegram Mini-app

Cats&Dogs as the name implies, is more like a combination of both Cats and Dogs, in the sense that, users are given the opportunity to select either of the two animals and then collect $FOOD for them. At first, I thought the name combination was just a move to copy other projects but I soon discovered that, it’s a somewhat unique idea in itself.

The game makes you believe you are collecting food for your preferred animal. During the onboarding stage, you are asked to select your preferred pet, whether cats or dogs and then you collect $Food every 8 hours for the animal you selected during sign up.

That’s pretty much what the game is about as well, you sign up and the app instantly rewards you with some $Food token based on how long you’ve been on telegram and then after selecting your preferred pet, you get to collect more tokens by checking the app every 8 hours.

Apart from claiming hourly, there is also an option to earn more tokens by completing tasks and referring others. We will talk more about that going forward.

Other Ways to Earn

Ways to earn more $FOOD tokens

There are two additional ways to earn more $food for your pet and they are as follows;

1. Referring – when you refer others to the app using your referral link, you earn some additional $food tokens. This is an easy way to earn and accumulate a lot of points before the listing period without having to do much.

Tasks on cats&dogs

2. Tasks completion – this is one way of earning that is present in literally all tap-to-earn & Tap-to-mine projects on telegram. It’s a fair reward system that gives back to users when they complete simple social tasks such as joining the project’s official social media handles and that of their partners. In the case of cats&dogs, users only have to join and follow their official social media pages.

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How to Get Started

To join cats&dogs, you need to either have a referral link or utilize telegram search button to search for the bot. If you are just learning about it, then copy this url – and paste on a browser. You will be taken straight to telegram to start the onboarding process.

Alternatively, you can just use the in-app search button to locate the cats&dogs telegram bot. Either ways, you will get to the same destination, however, using the referral link is a simple way to support us.

Once you launch the mini-app, you will be rewarded with some tokens based on how long you have been on telegram and then subsequently, you can earn more of the food tokens by checking the app every 8 hours.

Is Cats&dogs Telegram Mining Legit?

Cats&dogs review

At first, I thought the cats&dogs mini-app was a scam because of the name combination. I mean, we currently have Dogs and Cats mini-app on telegram, why launch a combination of the two? It felt like a copycat but then upon closer examination and after onboarding, I noticed the significant difference between them and the aforementioned.

Uniqueness is one way of differentiating a legit telegram project from a scam or a “moving with the trend” kind of project. The real ones are usually unique and organized in such a way that, you wouldn’t ever liken them to an existing project and that is exactly what I saw on Cats&dogs.

The mining process is different, the name of token is different and also, the idea is unique and original. Additionally, Cats&dogs is being promoted by major influencers. One sign of a legit mini-app is the number of influencers promoting and talking about them, they also tick the boxes in this regard.

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Should you join? It’s purely left for you to make the decision but there is no reason to not give the project a try. The game doesn’t involve much activities at the time of writing this article, so you just have to complete a few tasks to earn the $food token.

On the flip side, there are some discouraging factors that are worthy to be mentioned and they include but not limited to;

1. Earning Rate: besides the initial token given to users based on how long they’ve been on telegram, the rate of mining is very low. If you are a non-affiliate user, the rate at which you earn will most likely discourage you. The system is designed in such a way that, top referrers are the ones to have the most token, though this has always been the case, I just feel they would have included more simple and more rewarding earning methods for normal/ordinary users.

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2. Name – like I said, the cats&dogs name sounded so mediocre to me at first and to be honest, it still does. They should have come up with a better name for the project instead of what we have now. I am sure the name alone will serve as a major discouragement to a lot of potential users. Unless a user looks beyond the name to register, he or she may not even notice the originality of the project.

3. No Partnerships – unlike some other telegram mini-app that tend to partner with other crypto mining projects as soon as they launch, cats&dogs hasn’t really partnered with any other existing project and they’ve not made any announcement regarding the blockchain their token will be built on.

While it’s normal for everything to come in stages, I feel such announcement often strengthens people’s faith in a particular project.

4. Need to be online towards the end of the 8-hour countdown otherwise you won’t be able to earn $Food. There is need to be active on the app towards the beginning of each new round or you lose the reward for that round.


  • Unique and original idea
  • Being promoted by known influencers
  • Seamless onboarding process and no errors or delays.


  • No partnerships & blockchain announcement
  • Less rewarding for non-affiliate users
  • Mediocre name
  • You need to be online towards the beginning of each round to earn the reward.


Cats&dogs telegram mining project seems solid based on analysis and my experience on many other telegram projects but then, we can’t make conclusive statements from the get-go. As details unfold, more will be known and we will be able to decipher if it’s actually worth the effort or not.

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About Author

  • Eric Chidi, AKA ErickssonDGreat, is a seasoned writer who specializes in delivering unbiased reviews to readers. Eric’s content is informative, honest and free of any form of prejudice, join me as we navigate through the pros and cons of various online money making schemes to enable you make the right decision at all times.Ericksson Loves You! ❤️

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