How to Connect Wallet on TONxDAO & Expected Airdrop Date

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TONxDAO telegram mining

TONxDAO is a telegram crypto mini-app that allows users earn $Dao tokens when they vibe on a daily basis. It’s the first mini-app on the social messaging platform to adopt what I call, vibe-to-earn mechanism and ever since it’s launch, it has witnessed significant growth and attention from users all over the world. A couple of days back, they announced a partnership with the most popular ton wallet, Tonkeeper and also, laid down steps to connect wallet.

So in this article, we will be having a look at the steps to follow in order to get your TON wallet connected and some additional tips about when we should be expecting a listing date from them. As we all know, the reason why alot of people take part in crypto projects on telegram is to have a share of the airdrop allocation when it happens.

The team at TONxDAO understands this and from their body language in recent times, it’s clear that the airdrop date could be closer than we think. Having said that, let’s get down to the few steps to follow in order to get your TON wallet connected successfully.

How to Connect wallet on TONxDAO

The first step is to ensure you have a TON wallet installed. There are numerous wallets such as Tonhub, MyTONWallet, Tonkeeper and the rest. But for the sake of the project in question and the bonus they have in place for people who make use of Tonkeeper.

Download and set up a wallet on Tonkeeper, then open the TONxDAO mini-app, you will get the traditional dashboard with an option to start vibing, the level of your DAO and all. This time around, you will find a wallet or purse icon at the top.

How to connect wallet on TONxDAO

Click on the icon and you select the Ton wallet you wish to link to your account. It is important to link Tonkeeper since they have a partnership and it is undoubtedly the best ton wallet on the Internet currently.

Immediately you select a wallet, you will be prompted to authenticate, do so with your fingerprint or password and then you will be taken back to TONxDAO to continue your vibing.

Claim bonus for connecting Tonkeeper on TONxDAO

Voila! The wallet has been connected successfully. After connecting your wallet, click on Tasks > there you will find the 500k bonus in place for people who have connected their Tonkeeper wallets. Claim it to your balance in order to further increase your level.

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When is TONxDAO Listing?

According to the information released on their telegram channel, the listing and airdrop period will be in the first Quarter of 2025 — that is to say, From January to March, we should be expecting the TGE and listing of the $DAO token. 

I believe this is credible and certain because they have been saying it since last year and funny enough, they’ve maintained it till date — the partnership with Tonkeeper and the wallet connection feature is another reason to believe what they’ve told us. So if you’ve been vibing and accumulating more points, there might be reason to add more efforts since the TGE date is drawing closer.

When is Mining Ending?

When TONxDAO mining will end

According to the Tweet on their official X handle, users have 2-3 weeks more to Vibe and earn $Dao tokens on the TONxDAO mini-app. This is perhaps, the last phase before the listing preparations kick off fully.

So if you are one of those expecting something from the project, this is the best time to vibe like your life depends on it. 😉

Why It May Be A Big Deal Pros

Personally speaking, I think the TONxDAO airdrop will be a big deal. We’ve witnessed major unfortunate turn of events since last year. Very few telegram tap-to-earn project end up performing well or putting the community first when it’s time for TGE.

Also Read: TONxDAO Quiz & Answers (Updated)

Some either conduct an unfair distribution of token or they list at a terrible price, leaving a lot of people heartbroken after months and months of tapping or mining.

However, I strongly believe in the TONxDAO project and here are some of my reasons for doing so;

1. No TON Transactions – in recent times, most telegram airdrops tend to raise money to conduct their airdrop and token distribution from users in form of TON transactions and star purchases. We witnessed this unfortunate act in most of the tap-to-earn projects that launched after the success of Notcoin.

The worst part is, most of them literally compel users to make payments to secure their drop only to disappoint them at the end. Sometimes, users don’t even earn up to the amount spent on the project after listing. A classical example being myself — I spent money on ToMarket project and at the end, I didn’t even recover what I spent.

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How does this relate to what I’m discussing? TONxDAO is one of the projects on telegram that’s yet to introduce tasks that involve spending stars or using TON to complete. All users have to do is to either Vibe alone or vibe with friends to accumulate more points and to me, that’s a very positive indication.

It means they came prepared and as such, there is a possibility that the project might “Cook“.

2. No YouTube Channel – TONxDAO unlike many other mini-apps doesn’t have a YouTube channel. Users have also not been asked to subscribe to a random YouTube channel as seen on other projects. This is yet another indication that they might be entirely different from the rest; unless of course, they deviate along the line.

I don’t see this deviation happening though, given that the TGE period has been announced and partnerships have commenced leading up to the airdrop and listing date. Regardless, the only thing we can do is to fold our arms and observe at the moment.

3. Backed by a powerful team. TONxDAO is powered by XDAO and the team has been around for a long while even before the rise of telegram tap-to-earn projects. Additionally, it was initially promoted or better put endorsed by the Notcoin team.


You can easily connect wallet on TONxDAO following the instructions laid down on this article. The wallet connection, partnership with Tonkeeper and the little changes on the dashboard are all signs that TGE and Listing date are close. Therefore, this is the best time to channel more energy into vibing and accumulating as many DAO points as possible.

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About Author

  • Eric Chidi, AKA ErickssonDGreat, is a seasoned writer who specializes in delivering unbiased reviews to readers. Eric’s content is informative, honest and free of any form of prejudice, join me as we navigate through the pros and cons of various online money making schemes to enable you make the right decision at all times.Ericksson Loves You! ❤️

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