Sunwaves happens to be the latest mining project on Ice Open Network, the idea sounds great but the truth is, my experience on the application so far depicts it as a failed project from the start and as such, there are reasons to doubt the legitimacy of the project.
Crypto mining is not a new concept in the world of cryptocurrency as people have been mining back in the early days of Bitcoin. As a matter of fact, some very good projects today were once mined for free by early users. Be that as it may though, sunwaves is a growing project on Ice Open Network and it was launched barely a week ago and there’s a whole lot to talk about.
What is Sunwaves, And How Does It Work?
Sunwaves is a crypto mining project built on ICE Open Network commonly referred to as the ION. It’s in line with Ice’s vision of being the home for many crypto projects. All users have to do on the app is create an account and tap on the Bold SW button at the centre to start mining the token pending when it will be fully enlisted.
Away from the mining aspect, sunwaves token is said to be a utility token that is designed in such a way to enhance the festival experience by providing exclusive benefits, fostering community engagement and facilitating seamless transactions within the sunwaves ecosystem. The application looks very similar to Ice and works in a similar way, this could be understandable considering that it’s backed by them.
How to Get Started
Getting started is totally dependent on you device. For Android users, the app can be downloaded directly from Play store and for iOS users, you either access the tap-to-mine via the website or telegram. Reason being that, there is presently no mobile application for iPhone users.
After creating an account a 3-digit code will be sent to your email, the next step is to activate the miner. This can be done like I said earlier by tapping on the Bold SW button at the centre and this is to be done every 24 hours. If you’re just finding out about the platform from this article, feel free to use this code – ErickssonDGreat
Which means, you are supposed to get back into the mobile app to reactivate miner every day for as long as it lasts or better put till it gets listed on exchanges and becomes tradable for other crypto assets.
But at the beginning, I referred to the Sunwaves mining as a project that has already started failing from the start, Incase you are wondering why I made the statement, there’s no need to be anymore, because I will be explaining the reason for that shortly.
Why Sunwaves is Probably A Scam Project
There are various reasons why I think, Sunwaves may not be the big shot people think it is. I didn’t come to this claim through assumptions, there are some negative signals that point to the possibility of Sunwaves being a waste of time, but that’s not what we do here.
Unbiased analysis is at the core of our principles on this blog and from what I have personally seen and experienced on Sunwaves, I wouldn’t advise anyone to take the project so seriously whether or not they decide to proceed.
1. Registration/navigational Errors – for starters, registering on Sunwaves application was not just difficult, it seemed impossible at first. A newly created application that hasn’t even gotten the level of clout many other existing mining applications have, making users pass through such riguor just to create an account is a major red flag.
Technical errors, network downtime, provider failures are very much understandable when it comes to running anything on the Internet. I for one have on several occasions had to make major adjustments on my blog just to get it working perfectly for readers. It’s normal for anything on the Internet to have some bugs but if the bug or errors hinder users from onboarding for days, then the owner or administrator of such project is not a serious minded person.
I wasn’t able to create an account on Sunwaves for more than 3 days, it kept showing the “too many requests” error, though it has been fixed currently, it’s as if all the so called projects on ICE Open Network were built on weak servers. I experienced something similar or worse while trying to onboard on Frostbyte.
So when I started experiencing same registration problems on Sunwaves, it struck me that the Ice Network may not really be ready for what they are getting into. A good project gives of positive signals starting from seamlessness in sign up process to the timeline for which, they will transition to mainnet and finally how strictly they follow this set timeline but Sunwaves having major errors at this point, makes the project more of failed scheme.
Additionally, many users report inconsistencies in mining rate even after referring. Active referrals can get you a higher mining rate on the app, but the app problems also extends to this aspect, as many people have reported not noticing any changes in their mining rate even after referring active users.
2. Sunwaves application is not available on iOS. I mean it’s understandable to an extent but not completely acceptable. For people who claim to have had “17 years experience” coupled with the fact that the project is backed by Ice, starting without developing an application for iOS users only shows their unpreparedness. This is actually how I see it, so it may differ from what you think.
Regardless of what anyone thinks, Sunwaves getting launched without developing an application for iOS users only puts them in a bad light and also makes the whole thing look really mediocre. This is coming alongside the terrible registration errors users have to deal with before getting onboarded. Another reason why my initial claim of it failing to live up to expectation is true.
3. Paying for Mining Boosts – this is another area I find really fishy. Ice has a history of engaging in really shady practices even during their mining phase and for a project they are backing to be requesting that users pay money in Ice in order to boost their mining rate also reemphasizes the need to beware of Sunwaves and any other project(s) going to be launched by the Ice Network.
I mean, users have not even been able to access the mobile app smoothly, no iOS application developed but the first thing they felt was much needed is the option to boost mining speed with real money. This can be found on the app, when you tap on the mine option as mentioned earlier, you will see the Boost option. It’s not compulsory at this point but if you recall what Chambs did and how they ended up being a failed project as a result of that, you would also understand why its imperative to take Sunwaves mining less seriously or better still steer clear.
There are much better mining projects to get your hands on, alot of clicker games as well as mining projects have been launched, so there’s no need forcing yourself to be a part of an unserious/fishy project.
Here is a summary of the major red flags you should take note of;
- Registration errors (now fixed) poor application functions.
- Fee to boost mining rate
- No mobile app for iOS users, which means people using iPhone have to access the tap-to-mine via website or telegram.
Final Thoughts
Sunwaves is a new mining app, so technical errors are understandable to an extent but I expected them to do much better considering the project backing them up. The technical errors and poor user experience is not even the main discouraging factor, the fee needed to boost mining rate which reiterates the need to be wary of any project backed by Ice and the fact that there is no mobile app available for iOS all points to the unprepared nature of the mining app.
Should you proceed to sign up? If you really wish to do so, then go ahead but have this golden rule as part of your mentality while dealing with crypto mining apps, “Have no expectations but appreciate everything”. If you make it a part of you to have no expectations when it comes to mining projects or airdrop, it will better equip you with the ability to move on should things go south.
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First and Foremost, Your Article is too long, thought you had strong, serious points why you said the project was a scam, Didn’t know these few points of yours made you labeled the whole thing a scam project. This shows that you’re still new in the crypto space. Now lemme educate you a little.
Addressing the issues that made you think it’s a scam project
Registration errors (now fixed) poor application functions.
If you’ve tested a crypto project before, you wouldn’t have complained about this, make more research and find out why this is so.
Fee to boost mining rate
The reason for this is to reduce the total supply of ICE, as all token sent to them is burnt, if you don’t understand, make more research. And besides, It isn’t compulsory to boost your mining rate and the highest package there cost less than $6.
Telling us what you think isn’t bad but at least make some research before labelling it a scam.
Thanks for the comment, but I never labeled it a scam anywhere in this article and there is no “Scam” used in the headline as well, I only shared my experience.
Allow me to educate you as well, firstly, the registration errors still persist, weeks after the launch of the project. If you doubt me, log out and try to login again without a VPN and see the error message it will display.
Secondly, ICE is not a reputable platform at all, alot of users who mined its token in the previous app, lost it to the slashing policy and the quiz they brought up towards the end.
Thirdly, have you ever seen a mining app that requires a fee for users to boost mining rate? I haven’t; worst of all coming from a platform with a shady past.
Lastly, the Sunwaves app claims referrals boost mining rate but that is not true in any way. I have referred a good number of people but still, my mining rate hasn’t improved in anyway.