Sealsend App Review: Earn $Seal Tokens Daily

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Sealsend app review

Sealsend is a Tap-to-mine mobile application that allows users earn the $Seal tokens on a daily basis by clicking on a button. The project is built under the ICE Open Network; as a matter of fact it’s their latest project and it appears to be just as promising as the others.

Key Takeaways

  • Sealsend is a Tap-to-mine project launched under the ICE Open Network that allows users earn what is known as the Seal token.
  • It is most likely legit judging from the reputable network it’s built under and the similarities the app shares with ICE.
  • Notable flaws includes the slashing policy and the boost feature which requires users to deposit real money in order to unlock extra features.
  • There is no information about the launch date at the moment but more details about when the token will be listed, will be revealed at a later date.
  • It is the fourth and latest project under ION.

In this article, we will go over all there is to know about sealsend application, how to get started i.e. create an account and the few upsides and downsides of mining on the app. There’s been numerous crypto mining applications of recent, most are usually uncertain, while some actually pay off and that is the reason why, active crypto enthusiasts are encouraged to always participate in new projects especially, the ones backed by credible platforms like ICE.

About Sealsend

Sealsend is a mobile application that provides users an opportunity to mine and accumulate the $Seal token. Seal is the future crypto token of the app and early adopters like you and I have been given the chance to earn some units for free.

The truth is, if you’re familiar with crypto mining applications, then you’d know that this is no different. Fortunately, sealsend rewards new users with 500 seal tokens upon sign up, so if interested, participants will earn some free tokens when they create an account and can continuously earn more by restarting the miner daily.

Breakdown of How It Works

If you are interested in mining on sealsend, simply download the application from play store and apple store. Create an account with your email address as otp will be sent to your mail.

Enter the email and proceed to set a preferred username, the next step would be to submit the nickname of the person who referred you. Enter gistrealz as referral nickname and submit.

Your account will be fully created and you will be taken to the main dashboard with free 500 seal tokens credited to your balance.

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How to start mining on sealsend

To start mining, click on the bold S icon at the center and your balance will start increasing every hour. Return to the application after 24 hours to start miner.

How to Earn more $Seal token

To earn more seal tokens, simply copy your referral link/code and share to others. For each person who creates an account using your code, you and the new user will be given 500 tokens. Sealsend referral program

Referring not only gives you an instant reward but also boosts your overall mining rate. So the more referrals you have, the higher your earning rate on the app.

Is Sealsend app Legit?

Sealsend could be legit. While it is not possible to talk about the legitimacy of a crypto project from inception, the one thing that puts the project in a positive light is the fact that it’s one of the crypto mining projects under ION.

ICE was a crypto mining project successfully airdropped to thousands of users and ever since, they’ve built a number of other projects under their network and since sealsend happens to be one of them, we can help but transfer the same trust to it. This is one of the factors that makes it likely to be legit but, even though it appears to be legit, there are certain areas that you may not find appealing.


There are certain flaws otherwise known as the cons of using sealsend app and they are as follows;

1. Slashing policy – this has to do with the deductions of the overall balance of a user due to inactivity. It has slowly become the signature feature of ICE Network. All the projects built under the network has the feature and it’s certainly one area I personally don’t find interesting.

The good part is that, users can make some upgrades to get rid of the slashing policy and as such, be free from deductions should they skip a day or two of mining.

Sealsend boost feature

2. Boost Feature – the upgrade I mentioned is also one of the downsides or flaws of sealsend app. How is it a flaw? The fact that, users who wish to upgrade have to purchase ICE token from exchanges to use for the boost to be able to unlock some additional features and eliminate the slashing makes the whole thing bad. The boost feature is available on all their mining apps and can also be found here.

I don’t like it because, the whole idea of mining crypto tokens or participating in airdrops is to earn some extra money, why implement stringent policies like the slashing of tokens and then give users the opportunity to get rid of them by upgrading with real money? Doesn’t it take away the idea of crypto mining?

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Users shouldn’t be made to pay some money to unlock some additional features in a supposed crypto mining app but since that’s what we have here, there is pretty much nothing one can do. You either participate or ignore if the features don’t align with what you can take.

3. Low mining rate – most times mining apps start with a high rate and as time goes on, it reduces in order to lower the circulating supply. But on sealsend, the mining rate from the start is really low.

Upon registration, users are given 500 tokens with a 20 seal per hour rate which can be increased by referring new and active users to the app. This rate is really low and will significantly limit the earning rate of users who are not able to refer others. 


  • Smooth registration process – unlike what I encountered on other ICE projects, the registration process is quite simple and smooth. Unless things change for the worse in future, you will most likely have no issues creating an account on sealsend.
  • Welcome bonus – the welcome bonus given to users is highly encouraging and would certainly make alot of people interested in the project long-term.
  • Juicy referral program – for every user referred, you get 500 extra token and from the look of things, this isn’t limited in any way. Incase you are not comfortable with the mining rate, this could be a highly convenient way of earning more tokens without stressing yourself so much; all thanks to the sealsend team.


Sealsend is a new crypto mining project and from this review, it is clear that there are good aspects and negative aspects but the good thing is that, most old users or people who have been jumping on other projects like Sunwaves, callfluent, Sauces etc are already familiar with the downsides.

So it’s not a surprise, but if you’re new to crypto mining, then go ahead and weigh the upsides against the downsides to make an informed decision. 

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About Author

  • Eric Chidi, AKA ErickssonDGreat, is a seasoned writer who specializes in delivering unbiased reviews to readers. Eric’s content is informative, honest and free of any form of prejudice, join me as we navigate through the pros and cons of various online money making schemes to enable you make the right decision at all times.Ericksson Loves You! ❤️

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